Do you have trees in the yard that pose a safety risk to the structural integrity of the home? Before things go out of hand it is essential to hire experts providing professional services of Tree felling in Limerick.
This is an important practice that is often followed for various other reasons. Those who like to harvest timber or are contemplating about a development project can clear the land by opting for a tree felling service. However, thinking about applying DIY hacks can be a very bad idea as tree felling is easier said than done. Tree felling can be done only by highly skilled professionals who have tons of experience. The expertise of the professionals ensures safety while carrying out the job.
Tree felling is another name for tree removal where trees are cut down for various reasons. This is done by experts to provide enough space for new construction. Moreover, harvesting timber is also done to get fuel from wood. Moreover, this is also done to clear the land which is used for other important purposes.
The tree is cut at the base and is allowed to fall on the ground. Manual processes are applied for tree felling where tools such as saws and axes are used. Machines like chainsaws are also used and all of it depends upon the
location, size as well and the purpose of applying the tree felling procedure.
Trees are often removed to prevent the spread of diseases. Tree felling is an effective option implemented deftly by experts to minimize safety risks. However, tree felling should not be done indiscriminately as it damages the environment. Loss of habitat, soil erosion, and bad air quality are some of the negative consequences of indiscriminate tree felling.
There are broadly two categories of tree felling. Let us have a look at them.
Hand-held tools are used by experts while applying manual felling techniques. These accessories include saws, axes, and chainsaws. This method is perfect to be applied in small areas where heavy machinery cannot be applied. There are hard-to-reach areas where only hand-held tools can be applied to do the job.
Accessing sources of power is limited in certain areas. This is where mechanical felling can be used as the best option. Manual felling can also be applied where it is not easy to use heavy equipment.
Before the experts begin the manual felling procedure the condition of the tree is assessed. Moreover, they make precise cuts to determine the direction in which the tree falls. A safe direction is chosen for the tree to fall to prevent damage to the nearby structures and other plants.
Heavy machinery is used as part of mechanical felling. These equipment include harvesters, feller branches, and excavators. This procedure is applied specifically on large trees and also where there are enough open spaces for the tree to fall. Another vital reason, mechanical felling is chosen when there is enough space to use equipment and maneuver it properly. This procedure guarantees fast and effective results and number of experts required is much less.
The equipment used as part of mechanical felling helps to easily grab, cut, and move the trees. These trees are also processed into chips and logs while on-site with utmost ease. The need for transportation is also minimized as everything can be done on the site with mechanical felling. Highly skilled experts are needed for mechanical felling as the equipment is efficiently and safely handled by the experts.
There are various factors that must be considered before opting for a tree felling service. This includes the location and size of the tree as well as the availability of the equipment.
Important steps need to be followed as part of the tree felling procedure. Let us have a look at the series of techniques that are applied to guarantee a safe and controlled tree removal procedure.
Proper planning sets the tone for the tree falling procedure to be successful. Careful planning is done by professional arborists before going for the cut. A thorough inspection of the height and size of the tree is done by professional arborists. Before the experts make the move, the natural tendency of the tree is assessed. The planning phase is not complete without determining the perfect notch position. Moreover, the exact width of the hinge is also taken into account along with the direction of fall.
A notch cut is the first thing that is done by the professional arborist on the side of the tree. This is where the tree felling procedure kick-starts. This notch cut is applied on that side of the tree which is towards the direction of the fall. The fall of the tree is guided by this notch cut as the direction can also be controlled once the professional arborist applies them.
As the professional applies the notch cut, it is followed by the undercut. Professional arborist applies this technique on the opposite sides of the tree. The place where the undercut is applied is just a few inches above the area where the undercut is applied. The undercut is very important in the tree felling procedure as the base of the tree is weakened with this move. Moreover, it guides the tree further towards the direction of the fall.
The final and the last cut is also called the back cut. Professional arborists apply them on the opposite side of the notch cut. The backcut is applied a few inches above the undercut. The tree felling procedure is complete with the back cut. Professional arborists make sure that the tree falls safely in a controlled manner.
Trees are an important part of the ecosystem which helps to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Moreover, it provides habitat for wildlife. Tree felling often has a negative impact on the environment. If deforestation is done, there can be issues with flooding and soil erosion. Moreover, loss of biodiversity is also possible and climate change can also happen.
Tree felling creates mixed results for the economy with both positive and negative impacts. Timber is valuable for the economy as it can generate jobs and help to earn profits. As far as the negative impacts are concerned, the loss of the ecosystem is on the cards with deforestation. Soil conservation and water regulation are affected by tree felling. This can lead to a tremendous loss of revenue for the tourism sector.
If there are too many trees in the yard that are posing a threat to the property, it is time to get in touch with us. We have you covered as our team of professional arborists provides the best services for tree felling. You rest assured to get full value for the money expended with our services.
Reach out to us at Tree Surgeons & Pro Gardening as our experts provide professional services of Tree Cutting in Limerick. Tree cutting done by experts improves the health of the trees and adds value to the property. Want to fetch more deets? Schedule an appointment with us whenever you see fit.
Created by: Ecommercy